Just Thinking... << BACK

September 9, 2017

Hello John Wesley members and friends,

I know it has been a long while since I've shared my thoughts, please know that I have wanted to do so in spite of my silence.

I'd like to share a few thoughts regarding the following scriptures: Romans 10:17, II Corinthians 5:7, and Matthew 11:29. What do all these scriptures have in common? They focus on the role that faith in Jesus Christ has in our lives. In the first scripture, faith comes from hearing the message of Christ. This doesn't mean simply hearing with our ears but also hearing with our hearts. If the Word of Christ goes in one ear and out the other, that person is never changed. But if the Word of Christ enters a person's heart, they are changed forever, and changed for the better; they can't help themselves, that is what the Holy Spirit does. In the second scripture, we are reminded that we live by faith, not by sight. This is event every time you turn a corner physically – you must move forward before you are able to see what is in the space you are going to occupy, moving around corners is truly an act of faith. And the third scripture sums up the promise of Christ if we remain faithful to our profession of faith that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of our lives. Walking with the Lord Jesus Christ is an honor and privilege that we simply don't deserve but because Jesus is loving, merciful, humble, and gentle through and through, Jesus promises all who serve as Kingdom builders, that His yoke will be easy and his burdens will be light. Now don't get me wrong, there will be times when you wonder whether some of the burdens you face are actually light? But in those times, trust Jesus to help you hold them so the weight of your burdens don't overpower you, I have no doubt that Jesus will help you and me to do so.

Just Thinking,

Pastor Woods-Barrant