Just Thinking... << BACK

May 12, 2018

Hello John Wesley members and friends,

On this Mother’s Day eve, I find myself thinking about Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Some may wonder what this passage has to do with being a mother so I will tell you. I always knew that I needed Christ’s strength to enable me to do all that mothering my three children would require of me. I would need Christ’s strength to help me wrestle away the doubts that would inevitably come as I wondered if I would be wise enough to guide my children through the many phases as they grew from infants to adults. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day so I’m thinking about such things and am incredibly grateful that Christ has blessed me so. Christians should be clear that Christ is with us every single day strengthening us whatever we encounter day after day, challenge after challenge, and even joy after joy. For some, challenges cause them to wonder if they are strong enough to endure what life sends their way. And for others, the joys of life cause them to think they can manage life on their own and don’t need Christ to strengthen them. It is the latter group who are most in danger of loosing sight of Jesus’ gift to them on Calvary, and thus in danger of missing out on the strength that Christ supplies daily. Whether challenged or joyous, Christians need Christ to strengthen us so let us never forget how much we need Christ.


Pastor Woods-Barrant